Using the Autocorrect (Junior Cricket) Follow
The Scoring App now has auto-correct which you can use to correct errors at any time during an innings. Select the pencil icon to the right of the ball number to edit it.
When you edit a ball, you are presented with the below screen:
As you can see, you can amend the:
Strike Batter
Score Type
Ball Number
And you can also delete the ball
NB If you are changing the bowler, by selecting a ball number you are only amending the bowler for that particular ball. If you want to change the bowler for the whole over, click on the pencil icon next to the Over Number where this will be the only option available:
In the example below, the first ball of the innings should have been a 4 not a 3, so amend the Runs and press Done
As the change in the number of runs has caused a change to the Strike Batter, the app will show you a message:
Select the appropriate response – usually YES (ENTIRE INNINGS)
The app will then look for any wickets taken after the amendment, as the change of strike will result in the wrong batter being reported as Out.
This message will appear for every wicket taken after your initial amendment, and you will need to confirm it each time.