PCS Android Login Issue Follow
We suspect the error is caused by an Android operating system update late year which causes certificates to be ‘untrusted’ on certain devices. This manifests itself with the error you see on your device. As a result we have new troubleshooting steps to provide to users:
- Force quit PCS, update to the latest Android version your device allows, then try again.
- If 1. doesn’t work can you install the following root certificates onto the device, force quit PCS then try again
- 1. ISRG Root X1 https://letsencrypt.org/certs/isrgrootx1.pem
- 2. Let’s Encrypt R3 https://letsencrypt.org/certs/lets-encrypt-r3.pem
Here are instructions for users on Android 7.1.1 and below (the majority of users effected) & Android 9 where one example was reported to us
Android 7.1.1 and below https://knowledgebase.geolantis.com/HOW%20TO/how-to-install-root-certificate-on-android-6-0-device/
Android 9: https://whatisanything.com/how-do-i-trust-all-certificates-in-android/#How_can_I_trust_certificate