Substitute Or Replacement Players (PCS Pro) Follow
Replacing a Player after a Match has Started
If a player has been incorrectly included in a match that has since been started, go to the Scoring menu and select Match Details/Teams. Click once on the player that is to be replaced, highlighting them in blue, and then click on the Replace button at the bottom of their team list.
A new window will open with the team’s players who are not playing in the current match, so select the required replacement player and click Add. The replaced player will be substituted by the replacement player in the team list, then click Save to return to the scoring window.
NB: After clicking Save, all batting and bowling performances for the replaced player will be automatically transferred to the replacement player.
Substituting a Player after a Match has Started
If a player is substituted out of a match that has already started, and their replacement is able to bat and bowl in the remainder of the match, go to the Scoring menu and select Match Details/Teams, as above. Click the Add Player button for the appropriate team and select the required Existing Player (from the squad list or full database), or Create New Player if required, click Add and then Save.
This process will add the Replacement Player to the respective Batting and Bowling dropdown lists, so they can be selected to bat or bowl from this point on.
However, in order to keep the Replaced Players batting or bowling performances tied to them (unlike above), they need to be shuffled down in the Batting Order to the 12th (or lower, if there is a nominated 12th Man who is not the Replacement Player) possible ‘batting’ position, and the Replacement Player shuffled up into the Playing XI. This will keep the batting scorecards correct in both 2- and 4-innings matches.