Linking Twitter Account For Live Scoring (PCS Pro) Follow
Please Note: To link up to your club or league's Twitter account you will need the log in details. Please ask the relevant person and do not share these details with anyone who does not need them
Go to Tools>Configuration>Social.
Live Tweets:
Go to Live Tweets and you will see that the account needs to be connected.
Press Connect to Twitter.
Twitter will then open a browser to begin the process of providing you with an API key to allow the connection.
Select Authorize app.
Enter the PIN code provided and press OK.
Instead of saying Not Connected, your Twitter handle will appear in it's place confirming the account is connected.
Tweet Frequency:
This will give you three options of of often you wish to tweet an update; Manual, Every (option) or Every (Option) minutes.
To send a manual tweet simply left click on the bird in the bottom right hand corner of PCS Pro.
You will then be given three tweet content options; Ball, Match Situation and Custom. All of these are fully editable.
To send tweet, press OK.
For the other two options please select what and/or how often you would like to tweet:
Tweet Options:
There are two tick box Tweet Options:
To add a Players twitter handle go to Scoring>Match Details/Team>Select Player>Edit>Add Twitter handle>Save. This will then be saved on your local database.
Swapping Twitter Accounts:
Go to Tools>Configuration>General
Press Connect to Twitter
In the internet browser window select your profile in the top right and corner
Log Out
Enter the other account log in details
Press Authorise
Enter the PIN provided
Press OK