Outputting to ‘Replay Screen’ Scoreboards or TVs via HDMI (PCS Pro) Follow
Outputting to Replay Screens or TVs via HDMI
This document provides instructions for outputting various scoreboard information to a full LED ‘Replay Screen’ scoreboard or Pavilion TV from the scoring laptop via an HDMI cable. As these instructions explain operating this function within PCS Pro, they should be read after reading these two related documents:
Replay Screen Setup Instructions (PCS Pro)
Using a Google Cast device to Output to a Pavilion TV (PCS Pro)
Slide Control
First, ensure that the scoreboard Slide Control panel is turned-on, by going View -> Scoreboard and selecting Slide Control from the secondary menu (below left). This will open the Slide Control panel (below right) and place it adjacent to the Main Scoreboard preview window.
The various Slide Control buttons can then be used to output different ‘slides’ of scoreboard information to the replay screen, which will also display in the Main Scoreboard preview window within PCS Pro.
Before using these, however, click the Settings cog icon at the top-right of the Main Scoreboard preview window and select the screen Type that fits the aspect ratio and physical size of the replay screen or TV.
Try all these Types before deciding which one to use (ignore Ribbon Screen and Live Streaming), but for all Types the key buttons are in the ‘Summary’ line, and in particular Main and Main + Events. These slides will both display the core scoreboard information (below left); the former until another slide is selected and the latter until an event, such as a wicket, maiden, or milestone is scored. At this point, the relevant slide will automatically display for 15 seconds, e.g. the dismissal slide (below right), before returning to the main slide.
The Auto (Once) button automatically scrolls through a combination of the key slides, from Main -> Batting Card -> Fall of Wickets (FOW) -> Bowling Card -> Current Partnership -> Target (if in last innings of a match) -> Main. The Auto (Repeat) button will keep scrolling through this sequence until another button is selected.
The Video button is used to output an L-Overlay scoreboard, using the left-hand and bottom edge, creating an inset for a television video feed to be embedded via a replay screen production mixing desk. This button can therefore be ignored by scorers in full control of a replay screen scoreboard at non-TV matches.
The ‘Cards’ buttons simply display full screen Batting, FOW, Bowling, and Batting + Bowling (combined) slides, manually as required. Note that the Batting + Bowling slide is only available on the Large Type, and on all other Types that Batting, FOW, and Bowling slides will be split in two (Batting 1, Batting 2, etc) as full cards will not fit on one slide on these Types.
The ‘Updates’ buttons can be used at any time to display the current Partnership details or Innings summaries for the match, while the Result button will only be active at the end of a match to display the auto-generated match result.
The three ‘Target’ buttons will only be active during the last innings of a match, while Comparison will only be active in the second innings of two-innings matches.
The two ‘Video’ buttons, Last Ball and Selected, can only be used when video clips are being supplied by a video analyst on PCS Pro. Details will be provided in a new document that will be published online shortly.
The ‘Events 1’ and ‘Events 2’ buttons will only become active when these specific events occur, e.g. Maiden, Dismissal, or Possible Hattrick. As above, if Main + Events is pre-selected, such keys will display automatically when these events are scored; i.e., after the 6th ball of a maiden over, when a wicket is completed, or after the second wicket on consecutive balls. These will also display for 15 seconds, but the buttons will remain active after this so they can still be selected manually, if required.
The ‘Activations’ section will be active if these are loaded. Again, details will be provided in the same new document as the ‘Video’ details that will be published online shortly.
The ‘Milestones’ buttons will also become active when these occur, e.g. a Batsman’s 50, 100, 150, etc, a Bowler’s 5 Wicket Innings/10 Wicket Match, and a team Innings or current Partnership’s 50, 100, 150, etc.
The ‘History’ dropdown list is compiled as an innings progresses and includes all individual, partnership, and team milestones (50s, 100s, etc) and bowler’s milestones (5WI and 10WM), so that these slides can be re-displayed at any time, e.g. highlighting a player’s performance as they walk off at a session break or stumps.
The ‘Batsman’ and ‘Bowler’ dropdowns enable any player to be selected at any time to display either their ‘Batsman’s Stats’ or ‘Bowler’s Figures’ at that particular time during (or after) their innings.
NB: When using any of these dropdown lists, select the first milestone or player required and click ‘Show’. Any subsequent selection will then display automatically, until another button is selected; e.g. by returning to Main or Main + Events.
Again, the ‘Image’ and ‘Video’ dropdowns will also be explained in the upcoming document.
Use the vertical scroll bar to move to the bottom of the Slide Control window for the function to display three different types of ‘Custom Messages’. The first is a Single message, which will display all text typed into the empty free text box as yellow text, with auto-wrapping onto each line. The second is a Double message, which will display text typed into the top free text box as yellow text and text typed into the bottom free text box as white text, again with auto-wrapping but most importantly a line break between the top and bottom boxes.
The Video Baseline message will display text along the bottom edge, but should only be used in conjunction with a full replay screen production, as the space above the message is meant to be filled with television video footage. With all message types, click Show Message to display the text.
Before using the Custom Messages function, it is worth checking the Font Size for each type, so go to the Main Scoreboard settings cog -> Screen Settings, adjust as required, click Update Screen and then Save when the ideal size is found, although this may vary depending on the amount of text on each message.
NB: The Fonts -> Style/Size settings refer to the standard scoreboard slides, and not the Custom Messages.
Finally, the Slide Control panel does not have to be ‘open’ all the time, especially if only Main + Events is going to be used during play, with minimal use of some other manual buttons at drinks, breaks, etc. So, either remove the Slide Control panel (click the X at top right-hand corner or go to View -> Scoreboard -> Slide Control and untick) or use the Auto-Hide pin icon at the top right-hand corner (between the Settings cog and X) to make Slide Control an expandable tab on the closest edge (click the tab to open and close).
Alternatively, the key Slide Control buttons are also available from the Main Scoreboard -> Settings cog -> Slide menu, and selecting from the secondary menu, as below