Player Availability And Turnout Follow
Player Availability
Registered players should update their availability by logging in to their club’s Play-Cricket site, and selecting Edit Account.
The Availability tab allows the user to view fixtures from selected squads for up to three months ahead and then update his/her availability by ticking the appropriate boxes and saving the entries.
Reviewing Player Availability
Go to Site Administration>Day to Day>Fixtures>Player Availability to see the screen below.
Select the period – next week (default), next month or next 3 months, then the team and the match type. Save the search criteria to continue.
Use the next screen to select the players by squad, league or a combination of both. Start with the squad for the selected fixture, adding other squads if you need to draft in more players. Click Save to continue.
The resulting search will look something like the screen below.
The list may be narrowed down by ticking the Select boxes for the players of interest and then clicking the Show Selected Only button.
Players may be selectively emailed by ticking the Select box before clicking the Email button.
A download option is available to see the list in spreadsheet format.
The symbols used are:
✔ = Available
✖ = Not available
? = Unsure
‒ = Unknown
Availability Email
This function will send an email to the players in the selected squad(s) listing the fixtures selected and the player’s current availability status for each fixture.
Select the squads and leagues you wish to ask players their availability for then the Create Email button:
If a league is selected, then all selected fixtures must belong to that league.
Click the Save button to continue to the next screen where you where you may use the text box to add extra notes.
The main message will have the following text: “Can you please check that your availability for the upcoming fixtures is up to date so that we can make team selections”
The Send button will send out the emails from Play-Cricket, and they will appear in the log (Day to Day>Emails).
The email that the player receives looks like the screen shot below. The note that was added is displayed just above the fixture list.
The player just clicks on the Update Availability link to be taken to the Availability section of his account.
When the player clicks the Update Availability link, he is taken to a page similar to the one below:
Note that both registered and ‘temporary’ users will be able to update their availability using this feature.
Player Turnout Report
This report shows which player has been recorded as playing in matches going back to the previous season.
Change the selection criteria and click the Search button to get a list of matches that have been played in the defined period.
Now tick the checkboxes for the matches to be reviewed and click the Selected Players button to continue.
You will need to select at least one squad, or a league that the players are registered to.
A series of checks will be performed to ensure that the filters are sensible. You may not select more than one league at a time. Click the View Report button to display the report.
The ‘Played’ row displays the number of players in the team sheet for each match.
If the player appears in the team sheet for the match, then a capital ‘P’ will appear in the row for that player underneath the match.
There is a Download button if you wish to have the information delivered in spreadsheet format.