How Do I Create Another Administrator? Follow
To assign a role as an administrator to someone, they must be a registered Play-Cricket user (with their own username and password) and they must be a member of the site that they are to administer. To check this, go to Day to Day>Members>Member Database and search for them.
You cannot assign admin roles to a 'temporary' member, marked with TMP, which has been created by a site administrator. To resolve this please view How Do I Turn An 'Unregistered' Entry Into A Registered User?
Once the person has a permanent record you can assign an administrator role to them, go to Admin>Site Management>Members>Member Database and search for the member. Click on the ‘edit roles Pencil icon:
In web roles select the role you wish to give the user.
Hitting save will now ask the user to accept the role via email, if they do not receive this email, ask them to go to your site and login. From the head and shoulders icon at top right they will see the Administration option.
They must click on this and accept the terms and conditions that are then displayed in order to activate their role as an administrator, and gain access to the admin functions of the site.