Assigning Administrators Follow
Assigning Administrators
When a new Play-Cricket site is claimed, the person who has claimed the site is immediately granted main administrator rights. This means that they have access to all areas of the site including personal information on the member database.
We recommend that:
- There should never be a generic account set up such that anyone can access the main administrator account. If found, these accounts will be deleted without warning.
- There should be more than one main administrator to provide back up for sickness, holidays etc.
- When a main administrator is no longer associated with a club, someone should be responsible for removing that person’s administration rights from the site. Note that it is not sufficient to remove the Member of Website role. The main administrator role must be removed first.
Creating new administrators
If you wish to hand over the administration of your site to someone else, do not amend your details to that of the replacement or allow the incoming administrator to do this.
A main administrator may assign the role of Main Administrator to another registered member of the website i.e. that person does not have TMP in front of their name in the Member Database.
A main administrator has access to all areas of the site so there is no need to assign other administrative roles such as Results Administrator to the same person.
If the member records have TMP against their names, they will be records that have been created by an administrator - known as temporary or unregistered members.
You may only assign administrative roles to registered members on your site. i.e. a person who has registered with Play-Cricket and has their own sign in and password.
To become an administrator, a user must sign up to Play-Cricket and apply for membership of your website.
When they have done this, the application will appear on your Admin Home page as a pending Member of the Website. You will need to approve the application, and match the new record with any existing one so that you only see the member once.
Then you may assign an administrator role to the member.
- If the person that you wish to assign administration rights to does not exist on your site, add them as a member with an email address and the Play-Cricket system will send a ‘Sign up’ email to that person.
- The person may already have registered with Play-Cricket but has forgotten their details. Go to the Login screen and click the ‘Forgotten your login details’ link, enter the person’s email address. If the email address exists on the Single Sign On system, an email reminder will be sent out otherwise you will get a message to say that the account couldn't be found.
- If the person has signed up but no longer has access to an old email account, contact the Play-Cricket Helpdesk at
Assigning the Main Administrator role
If the new administrator that you have identified has registered with Play-Cricket and joined your site, follow the steps below to assign the administrative role:
Go to Site Administration>Day to Day>Members>Member Database and search for the person to be given the new role.
Click on the Edit Roles (Pencil) icon for that person.
Now go to the administrator role and select ‘Main Administrator' from the drop down list. There is no need to select any other role for a main administrator site they have access to the whole site.
The system will issue an email to the pending administrator with instructions on how to activate their role.
NB to activate the administration role, the pending administrator must log in to the club’s Play-Cricket site, click on their name and select ‘Site Administration’ from the drop-down list. When the person has accepted the Terms & Conditions, the administration role will be activated.
How to find all the main Administrators on your site
To find out who the other main administrators are go to Site Administration>Day to Day>Members>Member Database, press advanced, select ‘Main Administrator’ in the Role box and then click ‘Search’.
If you see names that do not appear in your search for Members of the Website, it’s likely that the person has had their Member of Website (MoW) role removed, but they still have the role of Main Administrator.
Removing Main Administrators
Follow the procedure in the previous section to find the administrator to be removed, tick the selection box for the person to be removed and then click the Remove Role button.