Merging Player Records Follow
Merging Player Records (Match Records function)
There is a function in the Admin>Day to Day>Members>Member Database section that allows administrators to merge records for their players to amalgamate their statistics.
The circular arrows icon, allows the administrator to remove any duplication in the list. It may be that the administrator has loaded all the players in their own database onto the site, and some players in that database were already site members. By matching them, the two records are merged so that information is not lost and statistics for the player are kept together. It is always preferable to match member records rather than delete them. When the icon is clicked, a list of possible matches is displayed, and the administrator can choose whether or not to match this record with one of the names on that list.
To match safely and accurately, follow these instructions:
Under Admin>Day to Day>Members>Member Database, click the Search button for the required role to list your member database. Some are registered Play-Cricket users (no TMP by their name) and others are temporary (marked with TMP). You should begin the matching with the record that you wish to keep; so if you have an entry for a registered user, begin with that, otherwise pick the one that has the best version of their name, or that is the most ‘current’ in terms of email address. If you attempt to match a registered user to a temporary user, then the registered entry will always be kept. Otherwise, the match will keep the record that you begin with, so be sure that you start with the right record.
Next to the record you decide to start with, click on the circular arrows and you will get a list of possible matches. Choose the one that you wish to merge with your selected player and click on the 'match' link next to their name; If you make a mistake, contact the Play-Cricket Helpdesk to correct the mistake.
To confirm your choice, a pop-up window appears with details of the players to be matched and the resulting merger. Click the ‘Yes’ button to continue the matching process.
If for any reason the players cannot be matched, an error message will be displayed and the match will not take place.
You should never try to 'recycle' entries by amending the name in them to someone else's or by matching entries for two entirely different people - this will cause errors in scorecards and statistics as well as the roles of those individuals within their clubs and leagues.
If there are more than two entries for a player, repeat the process and always begin with the registered entry if one exists.
You should always match entries in the list offered to a relevant entry if possible. If an entry is redundant because that person is no longer involved in your site, then remove their roles within the site by clicking on the roles (hat) icon by the entry, set the relevant dropdowns on each tab and then click the Save button - leave the Member of Website until last or you will not be able to access the other roles.
The player to be matched is not in the club’s database
A common problem is that you see two entries for the same person in the batting or bowling statistics for your site but you can only see one record for the person in your member database. (See Reasons for Duplication below.)
Please use the following procedure: Go to Admin>Day to Day>Members>Member Database, Add Member button.
Enter the surname of the member concerned and club or county board where the other stats are located (this can be your own club if they are there) and search.
If that produces a result then select it. Depending on who owns the record, either a club or the player will need to authorise access before the record appears on your database.
Matching players who are registered to one or more leagues
The system prevents the merging of two records where one or both is a League Registered Player (LRP) if the details are significantly different.
e.g. The match will amend the critical registration details (name, date of birth, player registration details) of the LRP (if only one record involved is LRP) or the outcome record if both records are LRPs.
This is largely to prevent club administrators changing those details by matching without the knowledge of the league(s) involved, but also in case of league administrators matching records for two different registered players.
You need to check those details in both records and if they are the same player then amend so that they agree exactly.
In the example above, Trev Brown and Trevor Brown are not the same, and the dates of birth are different.
You may need to involve the Play-Cricket Helpdesk to assist with this if it is the details for the LRP record that are incorrect; alternatively, you could withdraw the league registration(s) of the player if that is the incorrect entry, make the amendment and perform any matching before resubmitting the registration.
There are two reasons why you may not be able to edit a player's details.
The first is that they are registered with one or more leagues on Play-Cricket. If that is the case then you need to withdraw the registration(s), make the change and then resubmit the registration(s).
The second is that the record itself is the player's own login (no TMP before their name in the list). In that case only the player themselves can do this, by logging in and using the Edit Account option.
Players with records at other clubs
If an existing player wants their previous clubs’ history to be merged with their current profile, then try the Add New Member function to get the details from the player’s former clubs.
Go to Admin>Day to Day>Members>Member Database, change the Role to Member of Website and select “Add New Member With This Role”.
Search for the player’s surname and club or county board. If the system finds a match, then select the record and it will be added to your member database if the selected club grants access.
There is a topic “Adding a New Member” in the Help Guides which covers this function.
Reasons for duplication
If you find that some of your players continue to appear in duplicate in your club’s statistics pages, even after matching records, then you should talk to the scorer(s) of the matches involved.
See also Why can't I amend a player's details? and Why does the system say that I can't merge two records?