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Club Administration Home Page Alerts
Administrators should be aware of pending items that appear on the Action Centre that need to be dealt with as in the example below.
Some alerts are generated by individuals – Member of Website, Pending Photos and Postings.
Alerts generated by club sites are - Nominations involving your players, Objections to nominations, Players in Scorecards Requiring Attention and Match Officials in Scorecards Requiring Attention.
Alerts generated by league sites are - Questionnaires, League Invoice and League Order Form.
Below are some explanations of some of the common items seen in the action centre
Member of the Website
Select the view icon for Member of the Website and you will see a list of players who have applied to join your Play-Cricket site.
You may already know who the prospective members are, but if not, you should see if the person has added a reason for joining by selecting View Application.
If you don’t know the applicant, reject the application. Otherwise, you can accept the application and then assign suitable roles for the new member later,
If the person is to be given an administrative role, you should select Edit Roles and activate the required role. This action will activate the Member of Website role and notify the new administrator by email on how to activate their administrator role.
If the new Member of Website has an existing ‘unregistered’ record on the club’s site, match the two records to remove the duplicate.
Pending Photos
If a club member has uploaded a photo to be used in the photo gallery, it will appear as pending item needing approval and addition to the Photo gallery.
Nominations involving your players
You may have a playing member who also plays for another club. If he is nominated for league registration by the other club, a notification will appear on your Admin Home page.
If there are no outstanding issues with the player, then approve the request otherwise you may raise an objection.
Objections to Nominations
If another club objects to a league nomination that you have made, it will appear as a pending item on your Admin Home page.
Select the view icon for more information and possible actions that you can take.
See the topic ‘League Registration’ in the Help Guides. There is a section titled ‘Objections and approvals’ which details the procedure.
Team sheets containing free text players
This will appear when a scorecard has been uploaded to Play-Cricket via a scoring app but the player has been manually entered in the app.
Administrators can make changes to the scorecard without having to go to the Results section. Click on the Search button and if the player is in the member database, click the checkbox to select the correct player and the scorecard will be updated.
Match Officials in Scorecards Requiring Attention
This is similar to the ‘Team sheets containing free text players’ scenario but applies to umpires or scorers.
A league to which the club belongs has requested updates for contact information.
Complete and submit the questionnaire.
See the topic ‘Club Contact Questionnaires’ in the Help Guides for more information.
League Invoice
A league to which the club belongs has submitted an invoice to your club regarding fees, subscriptions, orders etc.
The notification will be removed when the invoice has been marked as paid.
League Order Form
A league to which the club belongs has sent an order form to you regarding items such as balls, handbooks, tickets etc.
Complete the order form and submit it.
See the topic ‘League Invoices & Orders’ in the Help Guides for more detail.