League Registered Player Photos – Club/County Board Sites Follow
Leagues may request that a photo of a player be submitted when a players is nominated for registration.
Existing registrations
If you have already registered players with a competition site and the site administrator has requested that photos be submitted, you will see a notification on your site’s administration workflow.
Click the View icon to get a list of players requiring a photo to be submitted.
Click Submit Photo to upload a photo for that player.
When the photo has been uploaded and saved, you will be returned to the list of players needing photos.
New registrations
When nominating a player for league registration, if the league has specified player photos as a requirement, you will not be able to apply until a photo has been supplied. Note that the ‘Apply’ link has been greyed out in the screenshot below.
Click the ‘Update Photo’ button to get the screen below.
The system has identified that this player has uploaded an image to his profile so you may upload a new photo or use the existing photo from the player’s profile. In this example, the option to use an existing photo has been taken.
Save the page and the system will return you to the League Registered Players page where the Apply link has been enabled.
Updating a Player’s Photo
A player’s image may be updated at any time but it is subject to approval by the league administrator.
Two images will appear on the League Registered Players page until approved.
Rejected player photos
If a league administrator rejects a photo, a notification will appear in the administration workflow.
The image should be re-submitted in clear passport style.