Team Captains & Umpire Reports (League) Follow
Team Captain & Umpire Reports
This function allows team captains and umpires to complete their reports for league matches online.
The request for reports will not be generated for cancelled or conceded games.
The amount of time needed to complete the reports will vary depending on the nature of the answer required. e.g. Yes/No and scale answers will take a few seconds rather than a few minutes for a free text entry.
Define questions
The first step needed to set this up is to define the questions.
Go to Administration>Set Up>Results and select either Team Captain Questions or Umpire Questions.
Here is the Team Captain Questions screen:
Select one of the tabs – Fair Play, Ground or Umpire then use the ‘Add’ button to create a question. In the following example, I have selected the Ground tab:
I added a question ‘How did you rate the pitch?’.
Add any guidance notes that you wish. Keep them as short as possible, considering that team captains are likely to be using a mobile phone to respond.
Select the required response from the ‘Type of Response’ drop down list. Scale – if this option is selected, you must define the minimum and maximum value for the scale
Free Text – the responder can write what they like
User Defined – the league administrator lists acceptable responses separated by commas.
Exception thresholds
An exception threshold may be set so that a workflow item ‘Reports Requiring Review’ will appear on the Admin Home page. You may also request that the person who is completing the report explains his answer if the threshold is triggered.
Here are some example of answers matching an exception threshold:
1. For a response type of ‘Yes/No’, if the exception threshold has been set to ‘No’, and the team captain or umpire has answered ‘No’.
2. For a response type using a scale 1 - 10, if the exception threshold has been set to 4, and the answer is 4 or less.
3. For a response type of ‘Freetext’, the exception threshold has been set to ‘populated’.
4. For a response type of ‘User Defined’ the exception threshold has been set to one of the listed responses.
In my example, the response type is the 1-10 scale and the exception threshold has been set to ‘4’.
Repeat the exercise as required for team captain and umpire sections.
Questions not created by league administrators
The screen shot below shows questions for Team Captains on a Fair Play page with a question that was not added by a league administrator.
Notice that a ‘Delete’ icon is visible for one of the questions but not the first.
The question that cannot be removed is one that has been added by ECB for monitoring purposes – this may happen occasionally.
Although the question cannot be removed, some of the fields may be edited and the completed report will appear on a league site.
You can assign an order number to the questions so that the ECB’s question can appear where you want it in the list of questions.
In the screen shot above, the Guidance Notes, and Exception Threshold areas are all editable fields.
Define Reports in Divisions and Cups
When the questions have been defined, set up the reporting in the Reports tab of the Division Management page. It is best to do this before publishing your fixtures.
The reports screen is self-explanatory. You may choose to have both team captains reporting or just one.
The reporting may be applied to all divisions within the league or to just the division being edited.
When the reporting deadline has passed, notifications will appear on the league and club sites where reports have not been submitted.
- If you are setting this up or making changes after the fixtures have been published, then you will need to un-publish the fixtures, update the reporting and re-publish the fixtures to trigger the process.
- If you are part-way through a season, then use the Fixtures section to search for the matches that have yet to be played, un-publish the selected fixtures, set up the reporting requirements and re-publish them.
- If you have changed your mind and have decided not to ask for reports, De-select the options, save the screen, then go to Fixtures and unpublish and re-publish the fixtures to remove any notifications. If reports have already been submitted, these will be retained in the Completed Reports section.
How do Team Captains or Umpires submit their reports?
The team captain or umpire must log in to the appropriate Play-Cricket site to submit reports. Team captains or another member of the team should log in to a club site. Umpires may use a club site or a league site if they are a member of the site.
When logged in, the person must click on their name (or the person icon from a mobile device) and the options to submit reports for a team captain and/or umpire can be selected depending on the person’s roles at the club.
Here are screen shots from a mobile phone:
The user selects the match to submit the reports:
Here, the Fair Play button has been selected for completion:
As the reports are saved, the buttons change colour so that the user is aware of the reports’ status.
Green = The report has been submitted and there are no problems.
Orange = The report has been submitted for the league to review. Red = A report has not been submitted.
Admin Home Pending Items
On your Admin Home page, you may see pending items for outstanding reports or reports requiring review.
Outstanding report notifications are raised when the deadline for completing a report has passed.
Reports requiring review are those where the threshold that was set has been matched.
Click the ‘View’ icon to see the outstanding items.
If a report is not required, perhaps for an abandoned game, use the ‘Remove’ icon to delete the notification.
Use the ‘Email’ button to contact the team captain (or umpire) if required.
Reports Requiring Review
Reports appear in this section when an exception threshold has been triggered by a team captain or umpire’s response to a question.
Click the ‘View’ button to open the report.
A league administrator can edit the comment submitted by the team captain and then click the ‘Approve’ button to accept the report as completed. Once ‘approved’, the report will appear in the Completed Reports list.
Completed Reports
If a report has been submitted by a team captain or umpire and does not have a pending ‘Review’ status, it will appear in Administration>Reports & Downloads>Matches>Completed Reports.
Use the search filters to refine the report results. Tick the ‘After Deadline’ box to see reports that were submitted after the deadline has passed.
Click the ‘View’ icon to view or edit any of the reports.
The Download function requires start and end dates to be entered. The spreadsheet contains details of the submission deadline plus the dates of any submissions by a team captain or umpire.
Download Responses
Administration>Reports & Downloads>Matches>Download Responses allows you to download responses by who completed the report, report type and the question asked.
The match start and end dates must be completed before starting the download and the format of the download must be specified – List or Matrix. The matrix format has match details down the side and questions across the top.
User may select a combination of questions from the list on the right of the screen.
Please note that if the date range is greater than 1 week, the job will be run overnight and the spreadsheet will be emailed to you when it is ready. This is to reduce the impact on Play-Cricket’s performance.