Day-To-Day - Results Follow
The ‘Day to Day’ button’s menu selections are illustrated below.
This function gives you a list of the games already played by the teams in your league, and their results.
You can search by season, date, division or cup, locked/unlocked result or scorecard, and team confirmation, or you can scroll through it using the page links at the bottom of the list.
The home team’s scorer normally enters results and scorecards into a club’s Play-Cricket site, although a league administrator may choose to enter the result himself.
Home/Away Team result confirmed – a cross or a tick indicates that the team has not confirmed/confirmed the result.
- Crosses on a red background indicate that teams have not confirmed the result.
- Ticks on a green background indicate that the result has been confirmed but the summary result and/or scorecard has not been locked.
- Normal black ticks appear for a match when the result has been confirmed and both the result and scorecards have been locked.
View – this will display all the details input to the site about the game, including any scorecards, as well as links to any reports input. When viewing the scorecards as an administrator, some players may be highlighted in red.
This may occur if:
- The player record has not been registered with the league.
- The scorecard has been uploaded electronically but the user has selected a record that has been ‘matched’ in Play-Cricket (and is therefore ‘deleted’).
- The player’s name has been entered into a scoring app as ‘free text’ and needs to be corrected in Play-Cricket to connect the player to his stats. This can be done via the notifications on a club’s admin home page if the scorecard is unlocked.
At the top of the ‘View result’ page, there are Queries, Audit Trail, Print and Back buttons.
The Print and Back buttons are self-explanatory.
The Queries button will display any queries raised by a club when asked to confirm a result.
The Audit Trail lets you view a copy of each scorecard at the time of upload to Play-Cricket.
When viewing an unlocked scorecard, in the Audit Trail, you will see a ‘Reinstate’ button which may be used in case a correct scorecard gets overwritten by an unwanted upload.
Edit Result – An administrator may edit the result or scorecards if they have not been locked.
Lock Result – Click the padlock to prevent any changes from being made to the summary result.
Lock Scorecard – Click the padlock to prevent any changes from being made to the scorecards.
If there is a problem with either the result or the scorecards, then the club administrator should contact the competition site administrator who should be notified via the Admin Home page.
Remove – use this to remove scorecards and or results that have been incorrectly entered for league fixtures only. Removing the scorecards will also remove the team sheets. If you do not remove the fixture, then its date can be amended to a future date for replays.
Download results
Allows you to extract the results defined in the filters to an external file – spreadsheet, csv or XML format.