Cup Competitions Set up Follow
Setting up a cup competition
Log into your Play-Cricket competition site, go to Site Administration>Set Up, Click on the Cups link.
New cup competition
If you want to create a new season for an existing competition, and retain teams, scroll down to 'Pre-existing cup competitions'
To create a completely new cup competition (if you didn’t have one of the same name before), click the Add Cup button.
On the following page, select the season and complete the name of the new cup and click the Save button.
You should now see a page that looks like the one below:
Complete the form as follows:
Name*: The title that you entered to create the cup appears here and may be edited.
Type: Choose from
- One off Initial Draw (e.g. Wimbledon)
- Redraw each Round (e.g. FA Cup)
No of seeds: If you enter a number into this field, then you may enter a seed number against a team in the Team Management section.
Scoring Rules: Make a selection from the drop-down list. If the list does not have a set of rules that suit your format, then you may copy the closest match and modify the rules to suit. See
Validation Rules: Select from a drop-down list of rules that you may have already created. (See articles in for further information on validation rules)
Player Registration Required: If you tick this box, then players cannot be selected by the club to play unless they are registered with your competition site.
Only League Umpires: Tick this box if the fixture cannot be officiated by non-league umpires.
Sponsor’s Information: Complete the name, URL and upload a small logo if required.
The sponsor’s logo and URL will appear on the public side.
When you click the Save button, the Reports page should be displayed.
Documentation for the Team Captains and Umpires Reports may be found here
Adding Teams
Click Teams the following page will be displayed
Use the add button to add a team or a placeholder if the team is unknown at the time of set up pressing add will take you to
Select a club from the dropdown list. The clubs in the list are those that were set up in the site’s league members. If the required club does not appear in the list, it must be added via the League Members function. Then pick the team from the Teams dropdown list, if the team doesn't show on the list click the Add Team button to add a team and it will be created on the club’s Play-Cricket site.
Once the club and team have been selected press save. the following screen will be displayed
Teams and placeholders may be deleted or replaced in this section.
To replace a team or placeholder, click the arrows icon to open the dialogue, enter the team details and click the Replace button.
Once you have added all of your teams move to Rounds
Now complete the dates for the rounds. The number of rounds generated is determined by the number of teams.
Complete the dates for all of the rounds before saving the form. The title of the round may be edited to suit.
When this page has been saved, the Draws tab will become available.
Select edit on the draw you wish to edit
Click the drop down to select your teams on use Automatic draw
To clear any pairings select the fixture via the tick box and press save
The round may be saved at any point.
Once saved you can view the draw in a table format via view draw and publish via the published toggle switch, Grey means unpublished Blue is published
Common questions asked regarding cup draws
Q1, Can I add a Team after the draw has been made?
A1, Yes
This is possible only if no matches have been played.
Go to Set Up>Competitions>Cups and select Edit for the competition to be changed.
Select the Teams tab and click the blue Add button.
If you proceed to add teams such that an extra round must be created (e.g. you have more than 8 teams in the quarter final) then you will be asked to clear the draws that have already been created before continuing.
Clear the whole round before returning to the Teams tab to add more teams.
Q2 Can I publish the next round before the previous round has been played
A2 Yes
By using the awaiting winner function you can display the next round, if byes have been used these will display for you
Q3 if the next round has been published with the next fixture be generated automatically when a winner has been filled in on the previous round
A3 No
You will need to go into this draw and update the fixture replacing awaiting winner with the club who won. These are not automatically updated in case a mistake with the result from the previous round has been made so no duplicate fixtures are generated by mistake
N.B. If you choose to ‘Unpublish’ the cup draw at any time, all of the rounds will be unpublished, meaning that the clubs won’t be able to view their fixtures or results for the cup competition.