Subscriptions, Orders And Invoices Follow
Subscriptions, Orders and Invoices
A club can make several payments to a league covering subscription fees, orders for cricket balls, award ceremony dinners, handbooks etc.
On a competition site, this process now caters for:
- Invoicing for subscription fees which may still include an affiliation fee to a county board
- Generating orders for cricket balls, dinner tickets etc. which will be a two-stage process involving creating an order and then being invoiced for the amount due
- Having a central point in the league site to monitor the payment of the invoices. All payments will continue to occur outside of the Play-Cricket system.
The Day to Day menu options below can be seen by any person on the competition site with the role of Main Administrator.
If you have an agreement with one or more county boards to collect affiliation fees, then you should go to the Affiliation section on page 13 to set this up. You will need to set up subscription fees and specify the methods of payment to be used before issuing any invoices.
Subscription Fees
Go to Administration>Set Up>Subscriptions>Fee Structure to get the following screen:
Click the Add Fee button to create a subscription fee.
The default season is the latest season available. At the time of writing, the default season is 2017 but 2016 is still available for selection from the dropdown list if required.
The fee may be applied to individual divisions or cup competitions if desired by selecting from the dropdown lists.
Complete the fields as appropriate and then click the Save button.
Here you see the subscription fees that have been created:
Note that there is a ‘View Audit Trail’ button so that you can view changes that have been made.
When a record is changed, the original entry is marked as deleted. The person who made the change has become the ‘owner’ of the record – see the last two entries for the 2017 season for an example below:
Payment Methods
Go to Administration>Set Up>Subscriptions>Payment Methods to set up the payment narrative to appear on an invoice. If you enter details for both cheque and internet banking, both entries will appear on the invoice.
Click the appropriate ‘Edit’ icon then enter the relevant details and save them.
When populated, the payment methods screen will look like this:
Any changes made to the payment details are recorded in the audit trail.
Day to Day>Subscriptions
Before generating invoices for subscriptions, ensure that the clubs in your league have been placed in their divisions and appropriate cup competitions. If you are collecting affiliation fees on behalf of the county board, these settings for the club also need to be in place.
When you go Day to Day>Subscriptions you will get a list of clubs in your league. This page (and others) has a ‘Contacts’ button for each club which allows you to contact a club official using the available details.
Select either the ‘Subscription Only’ or ‘Include Affiliation Fees’ button.
Subscription Only
When you select the ‘Subscription Only’ option, you will see a list of all the clubs that have not yet been sent a subscription request for the current season.
If you have any clubs that need to be dealt with in a different way from the rest, untick the checkboxes for those clubs before continuing.
The next screen is where the invoices are generated.
Select the ‘Preview Invoice’ icon to check the individual amounts on the invoice. The fictitious example below includes a credit amount that has been applied to all clubs in the league.
Enter the Payment Due date before clicking the ‘Generate Invoices’ button.
Clicking the button will issue the invoices to the selected clubs. A club administrator will see the following item on his Admin Home page:
The league’s Admin Home page will also show the number of invoices awaiting payment:
The Subscriptions page now displays the club list with the amounts invoiced as in the example below:
Click the ‘View Invoice’ icon to see the invoice that has been sent to a club site.
The ‘Reset’ button is used to cancel an invoice. If you choose this option, you will get a prompt to confirm that you want to do this.
Select ‘Yes’ and the invoice will be removed from the club’s Admin Home page.
If the invoice has been marked as paid, you will get the following message:
If you cancel the payment, the cancellation will be recorded and the league will need to deal with the refund manually.
If you mistakenly marked an invoice as having been paid when it hasn’t, then go to the Invoices section to reset the invoice to ‘Pending’.
Subscriptions Including Affiliation Fees
If your league has agreed to collect affiliation fees on behalf of the county board, you must have already completed the Responsibility for Affiliations process
Select the ‘Include Affiliation Fees’ button to get the following:
Since the league may collect the fee for more than one county board, it must be selected from a dropdown list. The county board must also have created the affiliation package for selection.
The process to generate invoices is the same as that for ‘subscriptions only’ but the invoice now includes the affiliation fee.
Affiliations Responsibility
To collect affiliation fees for a county board, go to Administration>Set Up>Affiliations Responsibility and you will get a list of the clubs playing in your league with the name of the league responsible for affiliation.
The checkbox for the club should be ticked. If your league is responsible for the club’s affiliation but the name is not in the ‘Responsible League’ column, click the ‘Edit’ button to amend the record.
Select the league’s name from the dropdown list and save the entry.
This facility allows league administrators to request clubs (or county boards with a team in the league) to place their orders for items supplied by the league – cricket balls, AGM tickets, handbooks etc.
Order Categories and Fees
Start by defining the categories to be used in filters and fee scales. You might need several categories for different types of cricket ball depending on the fee structure.
Click the Add button to create a new category.
Enter the details and click Save.
The example below shows the categories listed in alphabetical order. If a category hasn’t been used to generate an invoice, you will see a remove icon in the category row.
Fee Structure
Select Orders>Fee Structure to get the following screen:
Click the Add Fee button to create a new fee.
Complete the fields as follows:
Season: defaults to the latest season and previous seasons can be selected from a dropdown list.
Category: choose a category that you have previously created from the dropdown list.
Description: self-explanatory.
Fee type: choose from Club, Division or Cup. If you choose Division or Cup, then the dropdown lists will display a list of the active divisions or cups for the chosen season. The default value is ‘Club’.
Minimum order: If you have items such as league handbooks where a minimum order makes sense, then enter the figure here. If this is specified, the recipient will not be able to remove or reduce the value. Do take care when setting this up since the value will apply to the whole category. Fee: This is the cost per unit.
Here is a completed order fee form for the category of Senior Cricket Balls:
If you are offering two types of cricket balls with a minimum order value, you should create separate categories for them rather than place them under one category ‘Cricket balls’. The reason for this is because when an order is sent out for completion by a club, all items in a category would be listed.
Below is an example of an order fees list in alphabetical order by category:
If a category has more than one entry, the display order within the category may be changed using the dropdown on the left.
Sending Order Forms to Clubs
At various times during a season, a league administrator may request that clubs place orders for cricket balls, AGM dinner tickets etc.
To do this, go to Administration>Day to Day>Orders and click ‘Send Order Forms’.
The clubs listed will depend on how the fee type was defined. If it applied to a division only, then only clubs in the selected division would be listed. Complete the ‘Season’, ‘Category’ and ‘Order Due By’ fields, add any notes and de-select any clubs that you do not wish the order to be sent to before clicking the ‘Send’ button.
The example below has been targeted at all clubs in the league.
On a competition site, the league administrator will see the pending orders on the Admin Home section.
Click ‘View’ to go to the pending orders page as in the example below. The orders appear in alphabetical order by category so you may see a club’s name appear more than once by scrolling through the list. If you want to see all orders for a club, enter the club’s name before searching. You can also cancel orders from this page if required.
Here is an example of how the Courses and Seminars order would appear on a club site:
A club administrator would just need to complete the order and submit it.
When a club has submitted an order, go to the Administration>Day to Day>Orders page, select the season, change the ‘Status’ to ‘Ordered’ from the dropdown list and click the Search button to view orders that have been placed but not invoiced:
Notice that there are two entries for Biddenham CC with different categories.
It is not possible to combine the two entries into one invoice.
There is also an audit trail which records the name of the club administrator who submitted the order.
Select the ‘Generate Invoices’ button when you are ready.
On this page, select the season and category to generate invoices. You have the option to preview an invoice before it is sent out. If there is a problem with the invoice, then untick the select box so that the invoice isn’t generated.
Here is an example of the invoice preview.
You must enter the Payment Due date before clicking the ‘Generate Invoices’ button.
When the invoices have been generated, the order status changes to ‘Invoiced’.
If you choose to cancel an order that has been invoiced, you will see the following prompt which must be acknowledged.
Orders Download
There is a download function on the Orders page.
In practice, this could be run with a status of either ‘Ordered’ or ‘Invoiced’ to obtain a list of orders that need to be placed with the supplier or to serve as a distribution list.
Here is an example of the Invoices page:
The invoices are listed in order of Due Date for payment and then alphabetical order of club name.
Pending invoices are marked as paid by a league administrator.
If an invoice has been accidentally marked as paid, clicking the ‘Reset Payment’ icon will ask you to acknowledge that the invoice is to be reset to ‘Pending’.