LED Scoreboard/TV Activation and Video Replay Instructions (PCS Pro) Follow
LED Scoreboard Activations and Replays
This document provides instructions for outputting static activations and video replays to full LED scoreboards (‘replay screens’) and/or TVs via the PCS Pro platform. These instructions assume that PCS Pro is already setup to output to the scoreboard/TV and that the scorer/operator is familiar with the use of the Slide Control function. If not, please refer to these three documents first:
Replay Screen Setup Instructions (PCS Pro)
Using a Google Cast device to Output to a Pavilion TV (PCS Pro)
Outputting to ‘Replay Screen’ Scoreboards or TVs via HDMI (PCS Pro)
An activation is a static graphic that automatically displays each time a 4, 6, or wicket is scored, provided that Main + Events is selected on the Slide Control. To do this, copy the required static graphic (.png or .jpg) files into the C: Documents -> Cricket Matches -> _Media folder. In PCS Pro, go to Slide Control (or Main Scoreboard), click the Settings cog at the top right-hand corner, then select Screen Activation Settings.
On the dialog box that opens, tick the Enable checkbox for the required activation(s), then click on the Media Library Image dropdown arrow and select the relevant static graphic file for each.
If the required file does not immediately appear on the dropdown list, or the file has not been copied to the _Media folder as above, use the Open Media Library and/or Custom Image -> Browse to locate the required file. Finally, confirm the required Display Seconds (i.e., for how long each static graphic is displayed) for each activation and click Save.
On Main + Events, the enabled activations will now automatically display each time they are scored.
Video Replays
If a video analyst is also in operation, it is possible to display their clips of individual balls as video replays. To do this, first ensure that the video analyst has Video -> Live Upload ticked on their PCS Pro version.
On the scoring laptop outputting to the scoreboard/TV, tick Video -> Live Download to enable the automatic download of each ball clip.
The duration of each video clip will be displayed in the Video column at the right-hand edge of the Ball by Ball panel, in red text as it is downloading and in green text once this is complete.
Once a clip is downloaded, the Last Ball button on the Slide Control panel will become active; simply click this button to play the video replay on the scoreboard/TV. If a video replay is required for a previous ball, simply scroll down in the Ball by Ball window, highlight the required delivery, and click Selected Ball.
When the video replay has finished playing, click back on the Main or Main + Events button to return to the usual scoreboard/TV display.
This process will download the video clip for every ball, so if this is not wanted (e.g., because the scoring laptop has limited hard drive space) leave Live Download off (or, if already on, go to Video -> Live Download and untick) and download only the individual ball clips required as video replays. To do this, right-click on the required delivery in the Ball by Ball panel and select Download Web Video. As above, once the clip has finished downloading the video replay can then be displayed by clicking Selected Ball.
Again, once the video replay has finished playing, click back on Main or Main + Events to return to the usual scoreboard output.